
Sanusi tells Nigerians not to allow President, Gov intimidate them

In a powerful statement, Khalifa Muhammadu Sanusi II, the former Emir of Kano, emphasizes that Nigerians should not allow themselves to be intimidated by their president or state governors.

As the Head of the Tijaniyya sect, he believes that Nigerians should not feel subordinate because they choose not to engage in politics.

According to the Daily Post, he warned that if Nigerians don’t break free from the control of their political leaders, they will have no country to call their own. He urges his fellow citizens to stand up and hold those in politics accountable, as this is the only way to reclaim their nation and secure a bright future for their children.

He acknowledges that this is not an easy task, especially when dealing with incompetent leaders who dislike criticism. However, Sanusi believes that wearing their displeasure as a badge of honor is necessary to create positive change.

He concludes by highlighting the need to step out of comfort zones and challenge the distorted environment that hinders progress in Nigeria.

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