
A Hungry Govt Hides Food From Its Citizens; If They Can Hide Food, What Else Do You Expect? -Rudeboy

Nigerian veteran singer, Rudeboy, has expressed criticism of the current government’s handling of palliative distribution to Nigerians. Through his official Instagram story, he questioned the government’s actions and pondered what people can expect from an administration that withholds essential resources.

In his statement as seen in the screenshot below, the afrobeat singer conveyed that a government that hides palliatives from its citizens is essentially a government that is struggling with hunger itself. He pointed out the contradiction that if the government is willing to conceal basic food items from the people, it raises concerns about their intentions and capabilities.

Rudeboy’s message reads, “A government struggling with hunger hides palliatives from its citizens. It’s unbelievable!! What’s going on with us? If they can conceal essential food, what other actions should we anticipate from such a government?”

Rudeboy, an influential figure in Nigeria’s music industry, has not only made a mark with his musical talent but has also established himself as a vocal critic of governance issues.

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