
'This Is Just The Beginning Of The Africa Revolution And It Is Not Going To Stop' – Dr. Arikana Quao

A Former Permanent Representative to the African Union Mission in Washington, D.C., Dr. Arikana Chihombori Quao has alleged that the recent happenings in Africa signifies the beginning of a revolution that is not going to stop. She said in an interview with Arise Tv news that the Western Powers have gotten away with a lot over the years. According to her, the African revolution is quite similar to what happened to the extinction of the Roman Empire.  

She said, ”I think the writing has been on the wall for a long time when it comes to France. It was just a matter of time. What is happening in Africa is now a revolution? A revolution to what is similar to what we saw in the 90 British Empire. There is no way that the West could have continued to exploit and blunder Africa’s Natural resources. The end is here and I hope France does see the writing on the wall. This is just the beginning of the Africa Revolution and it is not going to stop. I think that France has gotten away with a lot over the years and it’s not just France, most of the Western Power for that matter.”

[Start From 3:00]

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