
Things You Should Do Immediately After Lovemaking To Avoid Infection

Things You Should Do Immediately After Lovemaking To Avoid Infection

After intimacy with your spouse, you run a higher risk of contracting an illness if you make certain blunders.

The Following are some crucial things you should do in order to maintain your health and avoid infection, according to Medicalnewstoday:

1. Wash your hands

It’s the most effective approach to remove bacteria from your partner’s or your own genitalia. To curb the spread of infections, this is crucial. Include cleaning with soap and water in your routine for tidying up after romantic encounters.

During intimate moments, bacteria can adhere to your hands, so wash them with a disinfectant afterward.

2. Empty your bladder

The tube that eliminates pee from your body, the urethra, could become contaminated while you’re doing it. As a result, your risk of getting sick may increase. These microorganisms are removed when you urinate. If you’re a woman, wipe from the front to the back to prevent the spread of bacteria.

3. Drink a glass of water

It’s a good idea to urinate after rolling in the hay, so follow it up with some water. Staying hydrated will make you urinate more, which will help your body flush out more bacteria before illnesses develop.

4. Wear loose clothes

Bacteria and yeast thrive in warm, humid environments. Wear breathable clothing and undergarments. Girdles, too-tight undergarments, and pantyhose should not be worn by women. Because it is breathable and absorbent, cotton underwear is the finest option for both men and women. You can also choose to sleep without wearing underpants.

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