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Subsidy Palliative: Why Can’t FG Pay Nigerians Directly Into Their Accounts?

Subsidy Palliative: Why Can’t FG Pay Nigerians Directly Into Their Accounts?

Sometimes I wonder the kind of archiac system we practice in this country.

Everything in this country seems to be in the analogue way, despite the fact that technology is helping out this time.

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Just few days ago, I read an online article that FG has released a sum of N5bn to States for subsidy Palliative and I wonder why doing so.

According to statistics, Nigeria’s population is around 220m, then why is the FG giving N5bn to each state to use for palliative?……………………….CONTINUE READING


Why can’t the FG pay in Nigerians directly into their accounts to support them in this trying time?

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N500bn was already ear marked and approved for this subsidy removal Palliative.

This will even help to bring alot of people out of poverty and also support those doing businesses or another form of survival job.

Why is Federal Government giving states these money, knowing fully well that nothing will get to the populace.

Ordinary Covid 19 Palliative, we saw how all the states hid the pallatives, including traditional rulers, while the masses were crying of hunger.

The BVN can even be used to make these payments through the CBN directly to the accounts of every NIGERIAN. And even those that do not have accounts can even use the opportunity to create one and get their BVNs too.

Why is the NIGERIAN govt still practicing archaic administration? Why Why Why?

These said pallatives will be looted, some will be shared to party faithfuls and loyalists in all these states and not even the actual populace. Some will even use the pallatives for election Campaign and thereby making look like they’re doing the people a favour.

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