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Rising Cholesterol: These Are Vegetables That Help To Cope According To Health Experts

Doctors ask to always look at the food list to stay disease free. A lot depends on what is being eaten, how it is being eaten. Lifestyle influences health. Stress, food and drink all play a role in staying healthy.

Problems like cholesterol, high blood pressure are seen by many people these days. Exercise is necessary to bring it under control. Along with that, proper diet is required. Experts say that to keep cholesterol and high blood pressure in check, you should have enough grains. But what grain to keep? Which grain has the most benefits? Let’ s keep an eye on it.

Cereals that are high in pectin help curb cholesterol. Pectin is actually a cholesterol- lowering fiber. Experts say that to keep cholesterol levels under control, you should eat foods that are rich in fiber and avoid fatty foods.

Tomatoes are rich in potassium. Very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C. Antioxidant lysopine is present in this grain. It helps lower LDL cholesterol.

Eggplant is effective in reducing oxidative stress. High cholesterol can cause inflammation. Nutrient content in eggplant can prevent it.

There are few calories in rice. It contains fiber, which is beneficial for the heart. Polyphenols are effective in preventing inflammation, and are present in sufficient amounts in the liver.

From roasts to curries, pumpkins are used in many ways. Many people do not like this grain at all. But if you want to keep your body healthy, you have to eat pumpkin. If the level of harmful cholesterol is high, pumpkin is a must. Pumpkin is very low in calories but high in fiber. It is full of antioxidants.

Experts repeatedly say to keep vegetables in the diet regularly. It is no match for curbing harmful cholesterol. Vegetables also provide essential fiber and minerals.

Experts say to avoid it if you have diabetes or are overweight. But otherwise potatoes are very beneficial. Potatoes contain essential sugars and some other nutrients. Which helps in reducing harmful cholesterol.

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