
If your surname is here, it means you are a Zimbabwean by origin

If your surname is here, it means you are a Zimbabwean by origin.

Each and every item has to have a start. If you want to understand more about African culture during your time in Malawi, visiting the nearby Swati and Zulu kingdoms is a great option. Thandiwe is the kind of name given to children in the Zulu culture. Is it okay to have an argument with a sibling when you’re expecting?

Zimbabwe and South Africa share eerie parallels with the pasts of Ghana and Nigeria. The only real difference is that people from Nigeria and Ghana are not considered to be outsiders. Most Zimbabweans no longer view Mozambicans as foreigners since the establishment of Rodesian Nyasaland. When this is the case, we call them Sothos, after the South African country of their ancestry.

They were never accused of wrongdoing thanks to relatives who lived across the river. Some parts of Zimbabwe are peaceful and secure since only Ndebeles, Sothos, Vendas, and Shanghans live there. We don’t think about Zimbabwe as our real home. This country’s poverty is worse than the United States’ but not as awful as that of certain others. The locals are extremely nice and helpful…….Continue Reading 



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