
Palliative- "If I were to be in government, I Wouldn't opt for sharing the money- Micheal Adeleye

In a candid and thought-provoking interview with Arise TV, Mr. Micheal Adeleye shared his views on the government’s plan to distribute N8000 palliatives to allete the suffering caused by the removal of fuel subsidy. He expressed a bold and unconventional stance, stating that if he were in government, he wouldn’t opt for the traditional approach of giving physical cash to individuals.

Instead, Mr. Adeleye proposed a more comprehensive strategy. He advocated for increasing the salaries of public sector workers to improve their standard of living. Simultaneously, he suggested removing taxes from private sector workers for a specific period, allowing employers to channel those savings into higher wages for their employees. By doing so, he believes the government can directly impact people’s lives in a more meaningful and sustainable way.

Mr. Adeleye emphasized the inadequacy of N8000 to cater for a family’s needs, making it clear that such a sum would barely scratch the surface of the hardships faced by the population. He stressed the importance of focusing on measures that can make a lasting difference, rather than temporary relief.

The interview with Mr. Adeleye offers a fresh perspective on addressing the socio-economic challenges in Nigeria. It prompts a reevaluation of conventional approaches and encourages policymakers to consider innovative solutions that prioritize long-term well-being over short-term fixes.

Watch on YouTube From 3:40

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