
Today's Headlines: Elections already won, commentators not truthful about BVAS – Lagos Dep gov, Tinubu hailed over Lalong’s appointment

Elections already won, commentators not truthful about BVAS – Lagos Dep gov

Photo Credit: Punch paper

The deputy governor of Lagos State, Olufemi Hamzat, has said that “public commentators are only talking about an already won election” adding that they were “not saying the truth” about the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System.

Hamzat said this on Monday at the Lateef Jakande Annual Memorial Lecture organised by the Nigerian Guild of Editors, where he represented Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu.

Hamzat spoke concerning the aftermaths of the 2023 elections and the use of BVAS by the Independent National Electoral Commission.

The deputy governor noted that voting was not done on the BVAS machine but on ballot papers adding that the controversy around the use of BVAS to transmit election results was not needed.

Tinubu hailed over Lalong’s appointment

Photo Credit: Vanguard

President Bola Tinubu has been commended for nominating a former Governor of Plateau State, Simon Lalong as a Minister-designate as Lalong has contributed immensely to the political evolution of the All Progressives Congress, APC and is one of the stalwarts that gave the Party a lifeline in the recent general elections.

The Senator representing Plateau Central in the National Assembly, Diket Plang who gave the commendation however urged Nigerians, irrespective of any affiliations, to give President Tinubu adequate support in his efforts to reposition the country on the path of greatness and development, and stated that the team of Ministers assembled so far is capable of complementing the President’s efforts.

Plang reiterated that “as a proven leader, grassroots mobilizer, and astute administrator, former Governor Lalong will add value to the Tinubu-led administration and help redirect the ship of the country to the path of progress and development.”

In a statement he issued in Jos, the Senator insisted that “Former Governor Lalong is a compassionate, very humble, dynamic, and accommodating leader. As the Director-General of the APC Presidential Campaign Council in the recent election, Lalong demonstrated courage and capacity. His steadfastness as the Chairman of the Northern Governors Forum cannot be disputed; he was very cohesive and patriotic on the issue of unity.

Police Rescue 10 Kidnapped Victims, Arrest Suspects In Bauchi

Photo Credit: Dailytrust

The police in Bauchi State have arrested suspected kidnappers, including their informants, and rescued 10 of their victims in Burra Forest in Ningi LGA.

The Commissioner of Police (CP), Auwal Musa Muhammad, who paraded the suspects alongside other criminals yesterday, said, “On the 2nd of July, 2023, the command successfully arrested six suspected kidnappers – four males and two females – including their informants, terrorising Burra village in Ningi LGA.”

He named the six suspects as, “Hamisu Umaru (disabled), Ahmadu Abdullahi, Adamu Wada Tela, Usman Iliya and Rabi Tela Abdulmumini and Hajara Bello.

He explained that the arrest of the suspects was in continuation of the command’s operations which led to the dismantling of the kidnappers’ hideout situated in the Burra Forest due to the intense superior firepower of the police.

Doctors Strike: NMA Cautions FG On ‘ No Work, No Pay ‘

Photo Credit: Dailytrust

The Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) has called on the federal government to rethink its implementation of the ‘ No Work, No Pay’ policy against the striking members of the Nigeria Association of Resident Doctors (NARD).

Chairman, NMA, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) chapter, Dr Charles Ugwuanyi, made the call Sunday while briefing newsmen after a thanksgiving mass at the Holy Trinity Church, Maitama, Abuja.

It was part of activities for the Annual General Meeting (AGM), and week of the Nigeria Medical Association, FCT Chapter (NMA-FCT).

He said, “Government should look at it critically. It will not do the country any good; it will lead to further complications. We are really advising that government should take a look at what it is about to do because it will halt the system more.”

He called on governments at all levels to improve working conditions for doctors.

He said, “If you look at the medical registry in Nigeria today, we have more than 110, 000 doctors who have been found registrable, who have passed through the registration, but as of April 2022, that is exactly a year plus, we have just less than 36, 000 that renewed their practicing license, and as I speak with you, we have less than 25, 000 doctors that have registered and are practicing in this country today.”

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