
Effects Of Vitamin C On People With High Blood Pressure

Effects Of Vitamin C On People With High Blood Pressure

Vitamin C is one of the essential nutrients that the body needs to function effectively. Some of its sources are fruits, vegetables, and supplements. The presence of vitamin C in the body helps to strengthen our immune system, hence making it more resistant to diseases. According to Medicalnewstoday, this article will show you how the intake of vitamin C affects people with high blood pressure.

Information obtained from Healthline shows that vitamin C is very effective in blood pressure reduction. Various studies have proven that taking vitamin C supplements can help to lower systolic blood pressure in adults. However, more research needs to be conducted to know whether the effects are long term. People who are diagnosed with high blood pressure are advised not to rely on vitamin C alone for treatment.

Some common food sources of vitamin C include pawpaw, citrus, bell peppers, tomatoes, and others. You can also make use of the supplements; however, natural sources are the best and most effective. Those with cases of high blood pressure are advised to incorporate vitamin C rich foods in their diet for improved health.

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