
What is the difference between coup plotter in uniform and coup plotter in civilian garb – Sowore

The Presidential Candidate of the African Action Congress, Omoyele Sowore, has expressed that there is no distinction between a military officer who plans a coup and a civilian who attains power through a fraudulent election.

Omoyele Sowore asked the question “what is the difference between a coup plotter in army uniform and a coup plotter in civilian garb.” Omoyele Sowore noted that the moment a country cannot have a free and fair election with integrity, then such a country has no moral right to discuss democracy anywhere in the world.

Sowore questioned the difference between a coup plotter in military attire and a coup plotter in civilian clothing. He emphasized that if a country cannot conduct a fair and transparent election, it has no ethical right to discuss democracy on a global scale.

Sowore pointed out that the lack of credibility in Nigeria’s electoral process is the reason why some West African nations mocked Nigeria when Bola Tinubu called for the invasion of Niger Republic.

Sowore argued that if Nigeria had trustworthy and principled leadership, it would be a moral authority when urging the military in Niger to transition power to a civilian government.

Watch From The 25:46 Minute Of The Video Below:

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