
7 Foods You Should Consume Regularly To Cleanse Your Blood

7 Foods You Should Consume Regularly To Cleanse Your Blood

Oxygen, hormones, clotting factors, sugar, fat, and immune system cells are just few of the many substances that your blood carries about your body.

For healthy, clean blood, there is no need to spend money on a cleanse diet or a bunch of detox pills.

The elimination and breakdown of toxins by your liver and kidneys already constitutes an excellent method by which your blood is cleansed. Therefore, improving the efficiency of these vital organs is your greatest bet for naturally cleansing your blood.>>>>>CONTINUE READING HERE>>>>>

Blood cleansing 101

The blood serves three main functions:

• Transport. Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried to and from the lungs and the rest of the body via the circulatory system. The blood also carries waste materials, hormones, and other cells, as well as delivering nutrients from the digestive system to the rest of the body.

• Protection. Platelet factors help the blood to clot and stop bleeding after an injury, and white blood cells fight off infections.

• Regulation. The blood has a role in maintaining the proper levels of acidity, alkalinity, and heat in the body.

It’s understandable that people would want to rid their blood of accumulated toxins and wastes; the fluid plays an essential role in the body.

The liver and the kidneys are your body’s built-in systems for handling the detox process and clearing out the blood of toxins.

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