
5 signs you might be wasting your time with your current partner

5 signs you might be wasting your time with your current partner

It’s natural to want to be with someone who sees you as special and thinks the world of you, but that doesn’t mean you have to stick it out with a person who isn’t on the same page or pulling their weight in the relationship. If your partner is consistently doing one (or more) of these five things that indicate they are wasting your time, maybe it’s time to move on.

1) They don’t make an effort to see you

If they don’t make an effort to see you, it’s a good sign that they’re not really interested. Just because you want them to like you and want to see them doesn’t mean that they feel the same way.>>>>>CONTINUE READING HERE>>>>>

2) They’re always busy when you want to hang out

This may seem like a silly sign that you’re wasting time, but it can tell you a lot about the person. If they’re always busy when you want to hang out, it probably means they have something more important to do than spend time with you. Plus, if they’re always busy when you want to hang out and are always too tired when you text them, this could also indicate that they don’t want to commit to spending any sort of quality time with you.

3) They never include you in their plans

If you’re in a relationship, the person you’re dating should include you in their plans. If they never invite you to hang out or go out of their way to make plans that exclude you, it’s a sign that they either don’t care about spending time with you, or they’re not really into being in the relationship. Either way, this is not a good sign.

4) They’re always flirting with other people

If they’re always flirting with other people, it’s a red flag. It means that they’re not satisfied with what you have to offer and want something else. This can also be a sign of their general lack of respect for you. The more they flirt with others, the less respect they’ll have for you and the more likely they are to cheat on you in the future. If this is happening, it’s best to end things before it gets worse.

5) You’re always the one making all the effort

The best relationships are a two-way street, where both people feel like they’re making the effort. If one person is always the one making all the effort and it’s not getting reciprocated, it’s a sign that there might be an issue at hand. It could also just mean that the other person doesn’t care enough about you to put in any work. Either way, there’s no point in continuing something that’s not working for either of you.

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